Class LeaderboardHologram


public class LeaderboardHologram extends Object
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • updateLeaderboard

      public void updateLeaderboard(Map<Integer,String> leaderboardData, LeaderboardHologram.LeaderboardOptions leaderboardOptions)
      Updates the leaderboard display with new data.
      leaderboardData - Map of position -> "playername:score" entries and the keys (Integer) in the map are used for the players ranking in the leaderboard
      leaderboardOptions - Configuration options for the display Formats and displays the leaderboard entries according to the specified options, including special formatting for top 3 places and optional player head display.
    • teleport

      public LeaderboardHologram teleport(org.bukkit.Location location)
    • getLocation

      public org.bukkit.Location getLocation()